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Husqvarna Ruffler (older versions)

If you're looking to make pleated or gathered ruffles for that special project, you've found your ultimate accessory! Don't spend all your time and effort doing ruffles the old fashioned way when you can fashion ruffles in a fraction of the time. Adjustable for all your needs.


Two options available

4118588-45 suitable for models 940, 945,950, 960, 980, 990, 1050, 1070, 1090, 1200, 1250 #1, 1100, orchidea


4122800-45 suitable for models 90, 95, 100, 105, 120, 150, 180, 185, 610, 620, 630

Husqvarna Ruffler (older versions)

$100.00 Regular Price
$50.00Sale Price
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